Last fall, President Barack Obama signed the Act.? By July, each federal agency must have a senior official charged with overseeing plain writing and must describe on its website the efforts it is making toward writing in clear, easy-to-understand English.? The law will be in full effect this October, when all new or substantially revised documents produced by the government for the public must be written in plain English (don?t worry, bureaucrats proficient in government double-speak: you will still be allowed to speak in your nonsensical tongue when writing internally).
Cass Sunstein, a member of the Obama administration and prominent legal scholar, says ?It is important to emphasize that agencies should communicate with the public in a way that is clear, simple, meaningful and jargon-free.?? The benefits of improving government writing are obvious, according to Sunstein.? Poorly written directives, he says, discourage people from applying for benefits they?re entitled to, make the rules hard to follow, and ultimately waste money and resources because of time spent explaining things to confused citizens and fixing avoidable mistakes.? Annetta Cheek, the chairwoman of the Center for Plain Language and a writer of federal regulations during the
What will these changes mean for you?? For starters, you won?t see statements like this:
?Timely preparation, including structural and non-structural mitigation measures to avoid the impacts of severe weather, can avert heavy personal, business and government expenditures.? Experts agree that the following measures can be effective in dealing with the challenges of severe winter weather.?
Instead, you?ll probably see something like this: ?Severe winter weather can be extremely dangerous.? Consider these safety tips to protect your property and yourself.?
Nor will you find the Pentagon brownie recipe that droned on for 26 pages about ?regulations promulgated hereunder,? ?flow rates of thermoplastics by extrusion plastomer,? and ingredients that ?shall be examined organoleptically? (which means ?look at, smell, touch or taste??I had to look that one up myself).? Readers won?t see such no-nos as ?promulgated,? ?thereunder,? ?commencing,? ?heretofore,? ?evidenced,? ?in accordance with,? and ?practicable.?? And instead of ?It is requested,? a simple ?please? will do now.
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