You must learn to think for yourself for your business internet money online opportunity
Article by Rod Erb
This morning I read an article about a very famous actor who lost his son. A tragedy I pray none of us will have to experience. The article was very disturbing because it presented a situation in which the actor?s son had a disease, autism, which his religion opposed and did not recognize. Because of this, the actor may not have approached the medical side of the problem with conventional wisdom. I mention this to drive home the point, we must all think for ourselves. You also must think for yourself to create a business internet money online opportunity that will make money online!Here are two things you must remember to help you think for yourself. (1) Do not fall prey to people or organizations that tell you what to do and how to live. The first time someone starts to dictate to you they or their organization is right and has all the answers be very wary. You must learn to think for yourself. We all are manipulated to a lesser or greater degree. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated like a pawn on a chessboard. Organizations, big and small, and people with power have a tendency to want to control us. Religions, governments, businesses, industries are all around us. They try to control us by creating rules, laws, standards and requirements that they say you must adhere to. What is important is to not get controlled. The control will take place when you fail to analyze the information, rules and laws being presented and accept what you are being told on blind faith. For you to be successful at your business internet money online opportunity or anything you try to accomplish in life you must think for yourself and do what is best for you!
(2) Thinking for yourself requires constantly learning about as much as you can about as many things in life as you can. This is so you will not be miss guided by others who claim they are the authority. People who are in high positions or organizations that have thousands or millions of follows we all tend to believe are either better than us, know more than us or have something over on us. This is dangerous thinking. They are human beings just like you and me. Accepting their position or their organization?s dictates without challenging them can lead you to becoming a victim of false promises and expectations. You must have the wisdom to analyze all you see and do. This only comes with learning, studying and gaining knowledge. This is even more notable in your business internet money online opportunity. Since you are so new to things initially you will be inundated with information you don?t understand. For example, there are a hundred different ways to find keywords and until you experience working with them you may flounder. You will be bombarded with offers from people who call themselves experts on the subject how to find keywords. They will provide nothing more than their method for doing so and take your money with a smile. In nine offers out of ten, they will do absolutely nothing to help. You have to take the time to read, study, evaluate and learn all about keywords yourself and eventually, as long as you stick with it, you will succeed.
Thinking of yourself is the most important recommendation I have for you business internet money online opportunity. This also applies to almost anything you do in life. Your life is your responsibility and don?t give up control by accepting the dictates of others.
If you want the best resource to teach you how to start your business internet money online opportunity to consistently make money online go to or go to
About the Author
Rodney Erb is a 1971 graduate of West Point. CPT Erb served 8 years in the Army receiving the Bronze Star for service in Vietnam. His corporate life was with prestigious Corporations such as UTC, Citicorp/Citibank, Merrill Lynch and The Hartford. He started his own company in 1993 and worked in New York City and throughout the U.S. He has helped corporations successfully automate their online Businesses.
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