Caseworkers really have no idea. Maybe relatives will step forward, maybe relatives will decline placement. Maybe reunification will be set at for May but in April the parent starts using drugs again. Maybe it will go to TPR/Adoption and Aunt Sally, who lives 2000 miles away, will call cps and tell them she wants him. You never know. It's a roller coaster ride whether you are foster, foster/adopt or legal risk adopt.
In the beginning, there is usually a hearing right away and the judge decides if CPS should keep the child or he should go home. Then there is another hearing a week or two later where each side presents their case. Maybe the judge will send the child home at this point. CPS will start looking at relatives. Maybe some relatives will pan out and then later fail a drug test. You never know. There will come a time (usually 1 to 3 months when the child has been in care) when the parents will be given a case plan and a future court date set. At this point, you might know you will have the child for at least 4 more months (or 2 more months ..etc..depending on court date). At that court date, judge could send child home or parents could get another 3 months or 6 months to complete their case plan. At any time, the parents' lawyer could request a hearing to have the child sent home. So, a child with a court date of August could end up at a hearing requested by the atty in April and go home then.
Last edited by Kat-L : Yesterday at 01:11 PM.
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