You are a recent graduate who feels lucky to have landed a job in this economy. Your professors told you that in today?s market, success depends on picking up as many skills as possible. The sales management team in your organization is offering voluntary sales training to the people in your department. You know that you should leap at this chance to enhance your skill set, but something is holding you back, namely, fear. You don?t know anything about sales. What if you look foolish in front of your colleagues or, worse yet, your boss?
The best way to tackle fear is to arm yourself with knowledge. Here is a list of sales terminology to give you the confidence to say yes to the sales training that your sales management team is offering.
Cold calling ? Have you ever watched as a brave member of your sales management team calls a prospective customer out of the blue? That is called making a cold call.
Customer relationship management (CRM) ? This is the part of your company?s sales strategy that has to do with keeping customers happy. How does your organization handle interactions with its clients? Your sales management team needs to compile information on customers and use it to bolster the customer relationship.
Opt-in ? This is the term that your sales management team may use to describe a prospect who has given your company permission to contact them via email, e.g., an e-letter.
Prospect ? This is the term that your sales management team will use to describe prospective customers.
Sales lead ? A sales lead is a prospect who indicates an interest in receiving more information from your company regarding your products or services. Your sales management team probably uses different methods to generate leads: attending trade shows, maintaining a web site, direct mail, etc.
Unique selling point (USP) ? What is it that differentiates your organization?s products or services from those of its competitors? What makes you different? And what exactly are you offering your customers anyway? These are the kinds of questions that your sales management team will get you thinking about during your sales training.
What?s in it for me? (WIIFM) ? WIIFM is an acronym that graduates of sales training use to remind themselves of the importance of stressing the benefits of the product or service from the viewpoint of the customer. It is the difference between describing a feature of a product and describing the positive impact that it will have on the life of your prospective customer.
So, relax. There?s nothing too complicated about these concepts ? nothing, in any case that should hold you back from taking sales training.
Visit Fusion Learning for more information on their sales training programs.
Rima Hammoudi is an SEO Copywriter at Higher Education Marketing, a leading Web marketing firm specializing in Google Analytics, Education Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mobile SMS Alerts, Social Media Marketing and Pay Per Click Marketing, among other Web marketing services and tools.
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