First, I need to explain the rating points, which determine how good or evil you are.?
In DBT, we?ve decided that there needs to be ?points? to decide how evil someone is. That gives us something to count to see who deserves training with certain masters and who don?t. It also decides where you go when you die, which is very important to this forum. At first we tried to use the rating system integrating in the forum, but now you?ll see a rating statistic inside of your profile. Let me explain the basics.
The Basics
- If you have a positive rating you go to Heaven. If you have a negative rating you go to Hell. If your rating is at 0, decide where you want to go.
- When you die, you get a halo, and may lose every single item you hold if it?s not in a capsule case, apart from zenny and clothing.
- No matter where you're going to go, you must still travel along Snake Way and report to King Yemma. That's a must when dead.
- If you were killed by a power energy blast, some or all of your items will be destroyed. It's up to you on how to RP your items being destroyed.
- Dragonballs, for the purpose of this RP, are entirely indestructible, and so will never be destroyed.
Rating Points
- If you are in Otherworld with 50 Rating Points, you can trade it all in for one day (a real day) of life.
- If you are in Hell with -50 Rating Points, you may escape off to the world of the living for a day.
- When you come back to life, your rating points return to 0.
- Whenever the Rating Points are at 50 (or -50) you're able to come back to the living world for a day of your choice. There are also special ways to earn Rating Points:
- Attacking a planet. - 15 Rating Points
- Cause a slow, painful death. Make your opponent suffer. - 8 Rating Points
- Betray an ally/minion. - 10 Rating Points
- Convert someone (Cause them to trade their + points for -, or turn 'em Majin). - 10 Rating Points
- Kill someone with positive Rating Points. - 10 Rating Points
- Cause random acts of destruction. - 5 Rating Points
- Fight someone with positive Rating Points. - 5 Rating Points
- Steal from anyone. - 2 Rating Points
- Show apathy toward someone. ? 1 Rating Point
- Help another Planet. + 15 Rating Points
- Show mercy to a fighter. + 8 Rating Points
- Sacrifice yourself to kill a villain (Failure). + 10 Rating Points
- Sacrifice yourself to kill a villain (Success). + 20 Rating Points
- Save an ally. + 5 Rating Points
- Kill someone with negative Rating Points. + 10 Rating Points
- Help anyone. + 2 Rating Points
- Fight someone with negative Rating Points. + 5 Rating Points
- Go a day without violence (sparring excluded). +2 Rating Points
There IS no limit to the points you can get. Remember that. Also, the points are distributed by admins only. Never touch that stat.
Special Training
This will explain the special training that is needed to learn certain techniques. You?ll also see attacks from the DBZ universe in this topic that weren?t on the Attack List. All trainers require a certain number of rating points.
Earth Trainers
Master Roshi
Special Requirements: Must be a good character.?
Special Item Required: Porno Magazine.
Rating Points Needed: +25.
Kamehameha(Tier 1): Turtle Hermit's signature attack, initiated by channeling your latent energy into your cupped hands, concentrating your Ki into a volumized, spherical mass of energy. The result when thrust forward is a potent beam of Ki. Does 15% Damage; Takes 6% BP from User.
Item given: Nimbus Cloud, if rating points are +50.
BP gain: 100 BP; each time you return to train, the BP gain rises by 25.
Master Roshi (2)
Special Requirements: Must be a good character and have learned Kamehameha from Master Roshi.?
Special Item Required: None.
Rating Points Needed: +70.
Double Kamehameha(Tier 2): The Double Kamehameha is an attack utilized for combat against multiple enemies. Channeling your latent energy in the same manner as the original ability, you are able to release a Kamehameha Wave from both of your hands. Does 25% Damage; Takes 12% BP from User.
Master Roshi (3)
Special Requirements: Must be a race that had no transformations, trained with Mr. Popo for Adrenaline, and must have a certain BP. Takes two days to learn Pump Up.
Pump Up: Master Roshi?s signature technique that causes the muscle mass and BP to increase. BP x 10. (Needs 320,000 BP to learn.)
Tao Pi Pi
Special Requirements: Must be neutral or evil and spend 350 zenny.
Rating Points Needed: 0 to -25.?
Dodonpa(Tier 1): An instant Ki beam fired through the index finger capable of piercing anything in its path, though the attack is small and can?t be charged it can be instantly fired. Does 7% Damage; Takes 1% BP from User.
-After training with him 5 times- Killing Finger(Tier 1): A physical attack that Tao Pi Pi specializes in. By thrusting one?s finger into an opponent with lightning fast precision, you may pierce into the target?s flesh. Does 7% damage and causes progressive damage; takes 2% BP from User.
BP gain: 100 BP; each time you return to train, the BP gain rises by 25.
Shaolin Monk
Rating Points Needed: - 10 to + 50 rating points.?
-After training with him 10 times- Ki Control (Speciality Technique): The Shaolin Monks will teach you peace of mind. Once attaining the state known as Fudo Shin, one can lower the BP used by an attack by 2%. Can only be used four times in battle. (Also gives permanent control of Destructo disk, allowing it to follow an opponent for one turn AFTER it?s released.)
Item Given: Spiritual Enlightenment ? Gives 10 + rating points once used.
Special Requirements: Climb Korin?s Tower in a day and beat Yajerobi (BP: 850) using just melee.
Rating Points Needed: Any above -15 Rating Points.
Item Given: Senzu bean (1).
BP Gain: 200 BP and bonus BP for beating Yajerobi. (Only get a sensu bean and absolutely no BP for beating Yajerobi after the first time)
Korin (2)
Special Requirements: Completed a training session with a master. Take a day of training with Korin.
Rating Points Needed: Anything above -10 Rating Points.?
BP Requirement: 5500
Zanzoken: After-image technique. Takes 3% BP from User.
Mr. Popo (1)
Special Requirements: Have completed at least two training sessions and not be a race that has transformations; must have a certain power level. Takes one day to one day to learn Adrenaline, three days to learn High Tension, and five days to learn Max Power.
Adrenaline: This ability increases the adrenaline that pumps through you, honing your strength, your speed, your stamina; must have a power level of 140,000 to learn. BP x 5.
High Tension: Pushing the body beyond its limits eventually throws you into a higher state of being. Must have a power level of 640,000 to learn and have trained with Roshi for Pump Up. BP x 15.
Max Power: Transcend to the greatest state of your power. 1,200,000 BP needed to learn. BP x 20. (If you?re a race without a fourth transformation, you can train to learn Max Power.?
Mr. Popo (2)
Special Requirements: Pass 5 training sessions from any of the masters, go fight three minions of Baba, and then defeat Mr. Popo. (He transforms into you; has your BP, moves, and transformations.?
Fighters of the past! Z Warriors: You?ll be sent into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (without gaining bonuses) to fight one of the Z Warriors from Dragonball Z.?
Villains of the past! Might of Evil: You?ll be sent into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to fight some of the villainous people from Dragonball Z.
Upon defeating 2 Z warriors and 2 villains, you?ll gain your first pass into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Mr. Popo can then be trained with normally for BP boosts of 200 whenever you win.
Planet Namek Trainers
Special Requirements: Protect three Namekian villages from destruction (By a player, not an NPC).?
Rating Points Needed: 125+.
Unlocked Potential: Permanently increases your BP by 12%.
The Dragonballs!: If you manage to reach 125 rating points, he?ll not only teach you about the dragonballs, but he will give you two of Namek?s Dragonballs. (If your character didn?t know about their existence, now he/she will. If all of the Dragonballs are already taken, Guru will tell you which members hold them.)
Lord Slug
Special Requirements: Find the evil Lord Slug?s spirit on Planet Namek.
Spirit?s Revenge: Kill 1 Saiya-jin and 1 Namekian player.
Lord Slug imparts onto you knowledge of how to build a Namekian space-craft. Takes three days and 5000 zenny to build.
Namekian Village Elder
Special Requirements: Saved at least 2 Namekian villages.
Rating Points Needed: Neutral or positive.
Mystic Regeneration: This ability, when passed on to someone that?s not a Namekian, allows regeneration of progressive damage. Can only be used twice and cannot restore lost limbs like a Namekian.
Namekians get: A BP boost of 300.
Planet Vegeta Trainers
King Vegeta (Elite Profile)
Special Requirements: Must be a Saiya-jin, must have already been sent to another planet. You also must have killed people in order to gain his approval.
Special Items Needed: You must still have your tail.
Rating points needed: Have at least -50 to +50 Rating points.
Control Your Rage: King Vegeta won?t begin training a Saiya-jin without first teaching them how to control their Oozaru form. Normally, when a Saiya-jin transforms, they have little control over the beast; they can only do physical attacks and mouth blast. If you manage to defeat 3 low-ranking Changeling Minions, he?ll teach you how to control it so you can use ALL of your attacks in Oozaru form.
Saiya-jin?s Endurance (Specialty Technique): When this is taught, NOTHING happens when your tail is grabbed and it?s even harder for even a bladed weapon to cut through. ? Takes a day to learn.
Execution Beam (Tier 1): A violent uproar of Ki rushes from the palm of your hand, bee-lining right into the enemy. ? Takes two days to learn and a PL of 6000 to learn.
Omega Blaster (Tier 2): King Vegeta?s perfected version of the Gekiretsu Madan. Instead of using both hands, he lifts one hand up and releases several streams of potent Ki that ALSO fire along with a straight volley of Ki Blasts. Must have Gekiretsu Madan. ? Takes three days to learn and a PL of 50,000.
BP Gain: Battle Power increase of 200 every two completed training sessions with King Vegeta.
Planet Ize Trainers
Emperor iz (Elite Profile)
Special Requirements: Prove yourself worthy by fighting Emperor Ize. He chooses who to attack through reports of everyone?s actions.
Rating Points Needed: None. Mostly evil characters are accepted though.
Level 2 Custom Attack: Emperor Ize shares certain aspects of his abilities to teach a player a second custom attack; an evolved version of their first.?
Items Given: Royal Sword is given sometimes, or other Royal Equipment.?
Planet Yardrat Trainers
Yardrat Elder
Special Requirements: Stranded on Yardrat and you must not be there for any evil intent.
BP Required: 150,000.
Instant Transmission: Instant Transmission is a technique that comes natural to those of the Yardrat race. It allows one to transmit their physical form throughout the universe to a person whom the user knows. It has no limit as to how far it can transport you. Takes 5% BP from User inside and outside of battle.
Konats Trainers
Tapoin (Elite Profile)
Special Requirements: Must complete certain special events (Explained later).
Rating Points Needed: +300
Great Hero; Prove your worth: The Great Hero, Tapoin, does not believe you are truly a hero. In fact, having no way of knowing your intent, he engages you in battle. Take him down to 50% of his BP.
The Ocarina: Now that he believes you are a hero, Tapoin sends you to his Konatsu-jin village to retrieve the Ocarina. Once you arrive, a Cultist steals it and leaves behind five of his kin to stop anyone from giving chase. Defeat them.
The rest of the quests will be sent after you complete the first two.
Items Given: Unknown.
BP Gained: Unknown.
Otherworld Trainers
Coming soon; as will more trainers for other planets.
"Posts? Oh, damn it. Is this something telling me not to double post or some shit? You've got to be kidding me."
Ha. I double post when RP'ing by myself. This is in no way an explanation on what you can and can't do with posts. Instead, it's on the relevance of posts and what they can do for you (And I lied. There will be some "Can't do's" involved). But befoe I get started, know that we'll never have it where posts will give BP. That one's out of the question.
All posts do is show how active you are in character, and let you reach new heights such as transformations, jobs, and special training. That's right. Posts will effect when you get transformations, when you get raises in jobs, and obviously training (as explained in the mechanics earlier).
Zenny is increased by 15 for each post, which doesn't seem like much. Honestly, 15 really is nothing, but can add up after a while. Thing is, Out of Character posts are not applicable for a zenny boost and neither are battles. This is mostly because we don't want anyone spamming the forum to gain Zenny, or fighting non-stop. Emphasize on Role-Playing, okay?
Jobs offer a daily increase on the zenny earned. The type of jobs that you're able to take will be explained in another topic, but just know that you can get raises to gain even more zenny a day.?
Transformations are also going to succumb to posts. Instead of the regular needs for transformations, there will also be a needed post count in order to gain it. Why? Well, I'm not interested in watching someone train every day and not RP to get a transformations. That's why training posts will also not count for a zenny bonus.?
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